About - Guided Readers

About Anna

Hi there! I’m Anna DiGilio, founder of Simply Skilled Teaching and the teacher, author and curriculum developer behind Guided Readers.

I’ve been a teacher for 23 years and a curriculum developer for the past six. I’m also an adjunct professor at a local university, a die-hard chocolate lover, wife to a New York firefighter and mom to wonderful twin boys.

I created Guided Readers to help teachers implement a guided readingframework into their classroom easily and effectively, so you can reach children of all ability levels and streamline your instruction.

Guided Reading is incredibly powerful, but they can also be overwhelming — and that’s why I’ve structured Guided Readers to take the guesswork out of planning, organizing and executing your instruction.

I’ve helped thousands of teachers implement this framework into their classrooms to engage their students and get them reaching mastery level — without the chaos!

I’d be honored to see you join us inside and I’m so excited to help you achieve awesome results with Guider Readers!